1.1. These Terms and Conditions (referred to as “T &C”) govern any user of this website, mobile site, and/or Mobile Application (altogether, the “Services”) that: a. has placed a job request on any of our Services component; b. has placed a job application on any of our Services components; c. has submitted application in respect of the job advertised by us; and d. has utilized any features of the Services offered by us. 1.2. Your access to and use of the information, materials and contents provided on the Services is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the T&C. 1.3. Depending on what level of Services you require, there may be other terms that govern your relationship with us in conjunction with these T&C 1.4. The Services and all associated property and right is owned and operated by MYTO LIMITED, a company duly registered under the law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 1.5. Your continued use of any component of our Services will be deemed as acceptance of these T&C by you.


    2.1. We may vary these T&C at any time by publication on any of the components of our Services. 2.2. You accept that by using the website after the publication of any variation(s) under these T&C, we have provided you with sufficient notice of the variation to the T&C.


    MYTO LIMITED retains and exercises all intellectual property rights subsisting in any service and content provided to you on the Services


    4.1. We maintain all components of the Services to provide information about the customer or employer. The materials on the Services are for the purpose of information and do not constitute any contractual relationship between MYTO LIMITED and the persons accessing or receiving information through the Services. 4.2. In the course of carrying out its business of recruitment, selection, onboarding of artisans, and management of employees for its users and clients across different sectors of the Nigerian economy, we advertises job vacancies through our Services, print, electronic, and social media directly without using agents or third parties. 4.3. We shall not at any time and under any circumstances require prospective artisan to make any payment to undergo its recruitment and selection processes. 4.4. We will not be responsible or answerable to any artisan who directly or indirectly makes any payment through cash, cheque lodgment or bank transfers to anybody or any third party purportedly on our behalf. 4.5. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, quality, adequacy or content of any information on the Services. Such information is provided “as is” without warranty or condition of any kind, either expressed or implied. 4.6. We will not be responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damage, or any other damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, lost revenues, lost profits or loss of prospective economic advantage, resulting from the use of or misuse of or inability to access or use this Services. 4.7. We accept no responsibility or liability for any errors in your advertisements and you must check your advertisements for errors as soon as they are placed on the Services. 4.8. We agree to use reasonable efforts to publish advertisements in the shortest possible time. 4.9. We cannot and do not guarantee you that files available for downloading through the Services or delivered via electronic mail will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient safety procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Services for the reconstruction of any lost data. 4.10. We act only as a medium through which artisans seek employment opportunities or jobs. We do not vet, nor are we responsible for vetting artisans or the representations made by them whether oral or in writing - including those representations appearing on artisans' resumes. 4.11. We provide no warranty to you that the Services will be uninterrupted or error free. Except where we are unable to exclude our liability by legislation, we, our officers, employees, agents, and contractors will not be liable in any way to you or anyone else for any loss or damage, however it arises (whether in contract, negligence, or otherwise) out of or in connection with your access and use of the Services. 4.12. Liability for breach of any express or implied term which cannot be excluded by legislation is limited at our option only to either, the supply of the type of services or published contents. 4.13. Our limitation of liability under these T&C applies to direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or other damages that you or others may suffer, as well as damages for loss of profit, business interruption or the loss of data or information, even if we are informed of their possibility. 4.14. We act only as a medium through which artisans seek employment opportunities or jobs. We do not guarantee user or customer or employer that information supplied will impose an obligation on us to provide the job with respect to the terms of use. 4.15. We reserve the right at all times, without the need to have to provide any notice to you, to alter the functionality and/or appearance of our Services, including but not limited to advertisements.

  5. User’s Obligations

    5.1. You warrant and agree that: a. you have the legal capacity and power to agree to be bound by these T&Cs and perform the obligations under them; b. advertisements and other jobs posted do not breach the intellectual property rights of any third party; c. all files delivered to us will be free of infection or viruses; d. you will not use the Services for any illegal purpose; e. you will not use the Services or any of its features or products offered to upload, download, transact, store or make available data that is unlawful, harassing threatening, harmful, tortious, defamatory, libelous, abusive violent, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise in our opinion objectionable or damaging to us, our users or persons generally; f. if you have engaged a third party provider to obtain data and/or obtain Services from us on your behalf, you understand that a breach of these T&C by that provider will be deemed to be a breach of the relevant T&C by you, and we will have the right to take action against you on account of that breach (even if you had no knowledge of, and no involvement in, the said breach); and 5.2. You shall not assign or transfer any rights and obligations pursuant to these T&C to any other person or entity without our prior written approval (which will not be unreasonably withheld). If you are a legal person, any change in your effective control shall be deemed an assignment for the purpose of this clause. 5.3. You indemnify and will keep us indemnified, our officers, employees and agents against all claims, actions, suits, liabilities, actual or contingent costs, damages and expenses incurred by us in connection with: a. any breach of these T&C by you; b. any negligent act or omission by you; c. an actual or alleged breach by you of any law, legislation, regulations, bylaws, ordinances or codes of conduct which occurs as consequence of the your use of the Services. 5.4. You agree at all times to deal with any information or contents provided by us or accessed from the Service in a manner which abides by all applicable laws of Nigeria, or of any other relevant jurisdiction (including, without limitation, privacy and copyright laws). 5.5. Except as otherwise permitted under these T&C, you shall not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any material from the Services including code and software. 5.6. You shall not use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or similar automated data gathering, extraction or publication tools on the Services (including without limitation for the purposes of establishing, maintaining, advancing or reproducing information contained on our website on another website or in any other publication), without our prior written approval.


    6.1. By using the Services, you expressly authorise us to store, retain and use all information, data, subjects requests and applications submitted in response to the relevant advertisement and contents. 6.2. Your access to the Services (and the functionality contained therein) will be via a secure login username and password issued to you by us (the “Password”). And you shall be responsible for: a. providing us with your true and accurate information pertaining to your identity and any other related subject or information as may be required on the Services; and b. ensuring that any Password provided to authorised users is kept secured and confidential. 6.3. You are responsible for the use of the Password issued by us to enable users to gain access to the Services, whether the use is by authorised users or any other person. Any act or omission by an authorised user in respect of the use of the Password and/or the use of the Services that breaches these Terms will be deemed a breach of these T&C by you


    We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Services is available for access by authorised users at all times. Notwithstanding this, we and our third-party service providers may be required to undertake maintenance and upkeep of the Services from time to time. We will endeavour to limit any 'downtime' period.